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Kelly Catlin

As a writer and musician, I knew that I needed to combine my two passions. As such, I decided to write a book about Kurt Cobain, working with some of his friends and fellow musicians. You might be wondering why I chose Kurt or what makes this book unique. For starters, I was always fascinated with the enigmatic lead singer and the way he enraptured a generation. He's more popular now than ever, and that speaks volumes. But I knew there was more to him than the media focused on; he was more than his depression. So I created an explorative narrative that celebrates Kurt's life, answering pivotal questions while connecting with tons of extremely talented musicians, writers, photographers, and more. The result was a book that deconstructed the inner workings of a rock legend, his art, and why he resonates with so many individuals.


Kurt: Forever in Bloom is slated for release on 2.20.2025, Kurt's birthday. It's an intimate reflection that humanizes the man behind the myth. 


In addition to writing about Kurt Cobain, I'm also a music writer for mxdwn, a news writer for House Digest, and host online writing workshops. Volunteer work is also incredibly important to me, which is why a chunk of profits from Kurt: Forever in Bloom are going to some truly incredible organizations.

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